I won!

Yes. It is official. I beat Dylan at tennis. Woo!

The games we play are, best of five, best of 3, so I won 3-0, 3-2. It was excellent. I had a great deal of energy with which to do this and he was defeated even after I'd been on a long bike ride. hehe. Pro! If you have seen the height of my boyfriend, and in turn the length with which he can reach whilst playing tennis, then you will surely be amazed at my fantastic win. :P

So, that's another goal down, making my total up to 23, so more than 1/5 of the way there, which isn't too bad.

Also, will be seeing a school performance of My Fair Lady on Friday, so that'll be another one down. Woot!

Oh, and seeing Birds of Tokyo in just over a week which is very exciting because they're amazing. :D

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